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作者:赢咖2  更新时间:2021-3-16 16:34:07



         汪寅生出生于“徽墨之乡”,自幼深受徽文化熏陶,小学临习柳体,初中学习行书,大学习草书、篆刻。他是江苏硬笔书法的创始人和领军人物。 出版《汪寅生书法选》、《汪寅生书法篆刻赢咖2》。他的名字入选《中国专家大辞典》、《世界华人文艺名家大辞典》等。毛笔书法作品入选《澳门99回归中国名家书画集》、《江苏书法50年》、《当代江苏书画精品选》等大型画册;同时还参加中日书法大展、第六届中国赢咖2节《国际书法大展》及江苏省书法精品晋京展,举办个人网络书法展和回乡书法展等。他的作品被国家游泳中心“水立方"、周恩来故居纪念馆、江苏省美术馆、 安徽省博物馆、黄山市美术馆及韩国碑林博物馆等收藏。2010年4月,他向南京申办请奥会获得成功捐赠20幅精品力作,成为向青奥会捐赠书画第一人。



Yinsheng Wang (style namesYu Hui, Zhu Mu)
Artistic Resume

    Yinsheng Wang, styled Yu Hui and Zhu Mu, born in China in 1950, has ardently loved hard-brush calligraphy, calligraphy, and seal cutting since his childhood. Influenced by his father, he was strictly schooled and trained in copying and practicing different styles of classical calligraphy. After he graduated from Nanjing University with a major in Chinese Literature in the 1970s, his artwork absorbed a Chinese cultural essence, giving it a well-grounded, deeply aesthetic, literary base.

    His hard-brush calligraphy exhibits a spontaneous essence: floating clouds and flowing water, free and easy rising and falling as yin transforms into yang and yang into yin. His strokes are natural and steady, gracefully spreading in a grand artistic manner. The refined elegance of his soft-brush calligraphy delights our visual senses. He is well known for his classical running hand and cursive-script styles. Yinsheng Wang’s seal cuttings have absorbed many qualities from the traditional style of the Han Dynasty, presenting bold and vigorous lines within a balanced design. He is respected for his simple, naturalistic cutting techniques, which define his unique style.

    His calligraphy works have been selected and displayed in numerous international, national and provincial calligraphy exhibitions, notably among them Album of Famous Chinese Artists for Macao ’99 Return; Jiangsu Calligraphy over 50 Years; and Contemporary Calligraphic Fine Works of Jiangsu Province. In 2005, Hong Kong News Press published A Collection of Wang Yinsheng Calligraphy. In 2007 he created a calligraphy website titled Follow Me to Write Chinese Characters. He has generously donated much of his artwork to support social and public welfare such as Nanjing Youth Olympics. He is included in Chinese Experts Dictionary and World Famous Chinese Writers and Artists, among other books.

    Yinsheng Wang now is:
    Senior Editor and Journalist in the Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation
    Executive Member of the Council of Calligrapher Association of Jiangsu Province
    Chairman of Province-managed Calligraphy Association
    Chairman of the Hard-brush Calligraphy Association of Jiangsu Province
    Vice Chairman of the Journalist Association of Jiangsu Province

  • 地址:南京市江宁区赢咖路2号 手机:15724425411
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